Sunday, August 9, 2009


I remember cracking the following joke last November with some people that supported FDR's New Deal and the nanny state in general. "Don't be surprised if one day the government actually starts paying us with our own tax dollars to cash in our cars and bail out General Motors". I was obviously wrong, we didn't bailout General Motors, we basically nationalized it. Excuse me, I mean the Federal government partially nationalized. Much in the same way we have partial abortions, and partial pregnancies. In doing some research for an article I'm writing on the lunacy behind this "Cash for Clunkers" program, I came across, which for moral reasons, I won't hyperlink you to. I found that Glenn Beck can provide a better explanation as to why you shouldn't head there:

Now I know what thoughts are flowing through your mind's canal. The same thing hit me after I saw this and started reminiscing into yesteryear. With conservatives like Jonah Goldberg, who needs crazy libertarians like Ron Paul, Nick Gillespie and Gene Callahan defending freedom from the intrusiveness of the Federal government! Yee-haw!

Who ever said libertarians like Murray N. Rothbard and Albert Jay Nock and Henry Hazlitt were the great enemies of the State must have been laced with some variety of a psychedelic intoxicant because supporting the abolition of the Federal Reserve is just "irrational".

So is this.

Stay free, America. More than just the world is watching.

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